
BEING A PREP FOR A WEEK: 9/18/16 -- 9/24/16

September 24, 2016

Let me get this little tidbit over with:  who else is extremely ecstatic about fall's arrival?  Because, as you might have guessed, I have once again come to the conclusion that fall is the best season, Halloween is one of the best holidays, and hot drinks are infinitely better than cold ones.  Anyone else feeling a similar revelation coming on?

Another hectic week flew by in my world;  it was a strange week, full of very high highs and pretty low lows (thank goodness the good outweighed the bad).  I think the major highlight was being able to intern at a local veterinary office for a couple of days;  if you ever get the chance to have an early glimpse into the field that you're thinking about entering, take it!  That experience has already impacted my thoughts about what I'm going to do "when I grow up," and it's pretty exciting!  The major low was feeling a bit sick and run-down for the later half of the week, but I feel better than ever now knowing that some exciting things are on the horizon!

Prep For A Day

Now, on to some of my favorite links from the past week:
Speaking of fall, this Pinterest board is chock-full with inspiration for decorating, baking, and anything fall-related...
J Crew took its newest fall arrivals to Amsterdam, and the resulting pictures are predictably amazing...
I love the stickers that are currently on my laptop, but some of them are really starting to fade.  I think I'm going to turn to Redbubble for a new collection--how pretty are this quote and this Vespa?
This coat is perfect for fall--it's so versatile, as well!
Lastly, I know I'm not the only one who's excited for the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast to be released--and these behind-the-scenes photos are making me even more excited!

Perhaps my week had a few insane moments (and perhaps yours did too), but whatever the course of our actions, we must always remember the outcome:  "Everything that has a beginning, has an ending.  Make your peace with that and all will be well."

How was your week?



  1. OMG-I am so so excited for Beauty & the Beast too! Have a great week, Tori. Happy Fall!



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