

January 7, 2015

Now that school has started back, I'm starting to get back into my old habits.  You know, like actually thinking about something other than what I'm eating for my next meal and what Netflix show I should watch next.  My brain likes analytical thinking, so I think it's happy to be back to more challenging cases.

Ever since about third grade, I have been the epitome of a nerd.  Or maybe that's when I realized I was a nerd.  I took pride in my nerdom (is that a word?).  In my line of thinking, if I was good at something, by George I was going to show it off!

Then middle school started, and as we all know, everything changed.  I started feeling isolated.  I was still proud of my grades, but I felt like I was automatically labeled as "smart girl" to everyone.  It's not a bad label, but it's still a label.

Labels -- Prep For A Day

I'm still labeled that way today, and I probably will be throughout high school.  Somehow, it's gone beyond the "smart girl" label to the "perfectionist" label.  It's almost laughable, being teased because of perfection.

I am a perfectionist, so the label isn't far-fetched, but it's still odd to think that other people have a perfect (and very incorrect) image of me.  I'm glad that if I have to be labeled, it's to be described as "too perfect", but it still doesn't feel great.  I know it's terrible to be teased and bullied for imperfections, but I think it's almost as bad to appear as a "robot."  Yes, I have been called that.

Apparently perfection is only achieved by being as boring and unfeeling as possible.  I wish I could prove to these people that I am human, and I have feelings.  I exist just like any other human on the planet.  I cry, and I laugh, and I even smile.

I know sometimes we think being perfect would be amazing, but it is our imperfections that make us human.  We may not like them all, but they make us unique.  Do you know how boring a book based in a Utopian society would be?  There would essentially be no plot, because everything would be perfect! The imperfections in the society are what makes the book interesting.

Labels, whether they target imperfections or perfection, are hurtful.  Their only purpose is to isolate a person or certain group of people.  Who knows why we label people? Maybe we feel threatened by them because they are different, or maybe we are jealous.  Maybe it's just second nature to label a person as soon as they walk into the room.

Whatever the reason, labels will probably never go away.  People will always be people. They will always be imperfect, and they will always want to label others.  Sometimes, they will even want to label themselves.  There will always be class divisions, ruling classes, and popular kids.  Labels, labels, and more labels.

Think about how many times you label people in one day.  It's a lot, right!?  Even if you know the person, you might still give them a label.

Let's try to cut down on labeling.  What if everyone cut down at least half of their "labeling" per day? At least one person could feel less isolated, and maybe they could even make a new friend if everyone around them was more open-minded.

Mostly, let's stop labeling ourselves.  Everyone has days where their self-confidence flies out the window, and some more than others.  If we can't block other people out, at least we can try and block ourselves out.

Yes, we have imperfections, but they make us who we are.  They give us a personality, and they give us a distinct appearance.  They make us living, breathing things, rather than marble statues in a museum.

Yes, I am a nerd.  Yes, I am an "overachiever" and a "perfectionist."  These qualities make me that much smarter.  I also am very short, have a really odd laugh, and am very quiet, among numerous other "imperfections."  But these things make me human.  I am not a robot, nor am I perfect.  I am just a girl with big dreams who also happens to bite her nails.  I'm pretty sure that there are much worse things to be.


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